Cover of the Single. Dating. Engaged. Married book

Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age

Discover how to embrace God's design for your relationships, no matter what stage you're in.

Cover of the Single. Dating. Engaged. Married book

Navigate the four critical seasons
of relationship.

The vast majority of young people will pass through the key stages of singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage at some point in life. Yet, they are delaying marriage longer than any generation in human history. Studies show a dramatic rise in self-reported loneliness among the young. All of our technological connectivity has not made us feel more connected. In many ways, the very screens that are meant to link us to others have become shields blocking us from the deep intimacy we crave.

We need the skill set to know how to journey through life and how to select the right people to journey alongside. By charting a course through the four relational stages and discovering what eternal purposes should be pursued in each, we can enjoy the confidence of knowing that we are leveraging our lives for what matters most.

Available as a six session video study

In a society where everyone is supposedly more connected, why do people feel so lonely? Even as marriage rates decline, recent studies find the overwhelming majority of people still hope to get married. But how can you navigate life and love in this disconnected culture?

This Bible study will help you chart a course through four relational stages: singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage. Learn to embrace God’s design and live out His purpose for each stage of your life.

Picture of author Ben Stuart talking to a microphone

Listen to the first chapter

what people are saying

This is a wonderful overview of God's plan and direction for marriage and broad guidelines of how to do so. So thankful this resource exists.
Ben Stuart explains so well God's purpose for believers in each of the relationship stages in life. Practical and biblical, a book I will reference over and over in pursuing a God-honoring life.
Scriptural. Helpful. Stand-Out. In the flurry of conversation around singleness, dating and marriage, Ben Stuart charts-out a navigational framework of Scripture, interwoven with story and statistics, that will help people of any age chart the often-choppy waters of relationships.
Louie Giglio
I have read quite a few Christian relationship books and it’s typically the same thing over and over again. So I didn’t go into this book expecting too much. But wow, this book shocked me! It was so good!!  Very much recommend!!
Ben is a dynamic voice to this coming generation. And apart from a correct view of God, this subject will shape more of your life than any other. I pray these words challenge and convict and move you to trust God in deeper ways with your dreams of your future and relationships.
Jennie Allen
Whether you are single, dating, engaged, or recently married, you will find this book to be a wealth of explanations, relevant illustrations, and helpful direction. Ben masterfully uses scripture to take us down a path of understanding what God intended for man, woman and marriage.
Jonathan Pokluda
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